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講 師 名 Pie
年 齢 / 性 別 35才 / 女性
出 席 率 [Attendance Rate] 過去1ヶ月の出席率   100%   ★★★★★   (367/367)
Location / 日本語スキル Home / 話せない
趣 味・特 技 listening to music, playing volleyball,singing,watching Vlogs, travelling, collecting fridge magnets
専 門 レ ッ ス ン 範 囲 初級向け・中級向け・上級向け・DMEコース
自 己 紹 介 Hello! Have a pleasant day, everyone! ! This is Ms. CHERRY PIE CAPADNGAN,
and you can call me teacher PIE. I graduated at Cebu Normal University and earned a degree of Bachelor of Science in Biology. Aside from teaching, I love cooking, singing, and socializing with people. I also love sports specifically, volleyball because this is the best way of maintaining a healthy body. I am very much excited and ready to share my knowledge, capabilities and skills with you guys. I assure that you can learn a lot from me. See you in my class.

こんにちは!Cherry Pie Capadnganです。Pie先生と呼んでください。CebuNormal Universityで生物科学を学びました。教育の他に料理、歌、人々との交流が大好きです。スポーツも好きで特にバレーボールが好きです。健康な身体を維持するのに最高です。あなたと知識、能力、スキルを共有できることを楽しみにしています。私から多くのことを学び、私もあなたから多くのことを学ぶでしょう。



V O I C E コ メ ン ト


Upper Beginner, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate and Advanced

Article reading enhances the student's :
> reading skill
> vocabulary
> pronunciation
> speaking

It also gives them a wide range of knowledge depending on the ...
DME Lesson (Adults)
Upper beginner - Advanced

DME aims to improve:
> speaking speed/ fluency
> listening
> vocabulary
> grammar
> spelling
> sentence construction
Beginner to Upper Intermediate

Audio / Video lessons improve:
> listening
> vocabulary
> comprehension
> speaking ( during the discussion)

Sample Videos:
* Special Beauty Contest*
* ...
Beginner to Advanced



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< 今週 翌週 >








■受講生のコメント         最新の10件を掲載しています                                                      最新の30件を表示する

評価者 コメント
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Pie.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'Travel Security: Japan's New System' that you kindly selected on April 26 2024.
I'm for the idea of introducing the new security system.
Of course, the cost of the system must be exorbitant, but the benefits outweigh the cost.
This system can obviously reduce the risk of terrorism in Japan.
As I said in the lesson, most of Japanese people are used to the current peaceful environment.
If a terrorist attack were to occur, there would be chaos and panic.
As a result, the Japanese economy condition would suffer tremendous long-term economic damage.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Pie.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'Adopt a Goat, If You Can Catch It, Says Italian Mayor' that you kindly selected on April 23 2024.
As I mentioned in the lesson, this article reminds me of the issue of the 'Reeves muntjac (Kyon)' in Chiba Prefecture in Japan.
The Reeves muntjac looks like a small deer, and it is recognized as a prolific / fertile animal.
About four decades ago, some deer escaped from a zoo and the number of the deer has been increasing, because the environment is really suitable for them, even though some local people hunt them
People often say that the meat of the 'Reeves muntjac' is delectable. So, I'd like to enjoy it some say.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
sana さんのコメント
Thank you Pie

Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Pie.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'What Makes Denmark the Second-Happiest Nation?' that you kindly selected on April 19 2024.
According to the article, Danes like to follow a famously self-deprecating social code 'PYT'.
I suppose that most of Japanese people, especially Japanese men are likely to have a similar self-deprecating mind-set.
In addition, Japan has a good welfare, such as National public health insurance, social safety net, etc.
However, Japan is not ranked in the World Happiness Report.
For that reason, I believe that other elements are cruail in deciding whether to be happy or not.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Pie.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'Water Guns at Full Blast for Thai New Year Festivities' that you kindly selected on April 17 2024.
I haven't known that Songkran is a famous festival in Thailand until I read the article.
Local and unique festival as a specialty can boost economic condition
I suggest that every government should try to maintain local festivals with subsidies.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️
Chie さんのコメント
Thank you, I always enjoy your lessons.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Pie.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'Japan's Healthcare Appeal: The Rise of Medical Tourism' that you kindly selected on April 12 2024.
The Japanese government is currently promoting the introduction of 'My Number', a new identification system that assigns a number to each citizen. The unique number is recorded in a My Number card.
This card can be used as a certification card for National Health Insurance.
The implementation of this system can prevent a crime of falsification of the National Health Insurance.
As I said in the lesson, Japanese citizens have to pay the Public Health Insurance fee, but the fee is rising every year.
The fee is deducted from our salaries as a tax every month. I support this idea to prevent our taxes from being used for the crime.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
KAZUMI さんのコメント
Thank you for your lesson❣️
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, Pie.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'Nature's Impact on Time Perception' that you kindly selected on April 9 2024.
In general, the older people get, the more likely they are to say, "Time flies so fast" and "Time has flown by".
I totally agree with the idea of that one's sense of time passage is subjective and is related to factors.
When I was in elementary school, I felt that time went by slowly.
Meanwhile, I really feel that time passes quickly after I started working.
I assume that an idea of making people feel as if time is passing slowly would be a profitable business opportunity.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.


Benjane   Gwyn  Jenn 
オンライン英会話スクール iTalk English!

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